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General Questions

What is the meaning behind "TurboStrat"?

The name "TurboStrat", a fusion of "Turbocharger" and "Strategy", reflecting our vision to achieving long-term goals by strategically navigating through uncertainty.

Is there any job (full-time/intern/contractor) opportunity available?

Currently, We do not have any full-time positions available.

We offer internships for students to build up their portfolios, supervised by our Chief Scientist, Andy Shao, in the field of researching machine learning techniques in soccer prediction.

We support students on CPT and OPT status, and/or are open to working with (1099) independent contractors.

Do you engage in any secondary lines of business?

Yes, we do mobile game design & development. Learn More.

We provide consulting services covering both general topics and areas tied to our business scope.

How can I reach you if I have questions?

Please drop us an email at