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TurboStrat LLC is a software company based in California, United States.

We do research in sports analytics & prediction. We operate websites and blogs to share predictions, accuracies, and methodologies.

In addition, we do mobile game development.

We are operating under the law of California:

Research Areas

Our research broadly focuses on predictive modeling and bettng strategy optimization, inlucding ranking algorithms, feature engineering, ML interpretability & explainability, risk & bankroll management, and Monte Carlo simulation.

This initiative is led by our Chief Scientist, Dr. Andy Shao, who also serves as faculty member at San Jose State University and Santa Clara University.

Dr. Shao holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Florida and has experience in both the tech industry and academia.


We offer a short-term Data Science internship in Summer 2024, supervised by Dr. Shao, where the structure of the internship closely resembles that of a university thesis, encompassing research activities and coding tasks.

Our contact/support email is Our response rate might vary and it is based on inquiries.

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